

Most Westerners are familiar with Acupuncture as it is becoming an increasingly popular medical modality to treat a variety of health concerns. There are, however, some misunderstandings and miscommunications around the word Acupuncture and its proper use for both treating and preventing illnesses and various health conditions. Acupuncture needles are extremely small gauge filaments (nothing like a hypodermic needle whatsoever)… most acupuncture needles are not much larger than a coarse hair and shouldn’t be painful when inserted. Many people describe the sensation, if felt at all, like having a single hair plucked on initial insertion but then no discomfort whatsoever. In fact, when traditional acupuncture points are used and combined properly, the patient will typically feel a sense of warmth, calmness, relaxation, and a great overall sense of well-being.

It is important to educate the public that when acupuncture needles are inserted by medically trained professionals performing ‘dry needling’ and ‘medical acupuncture’ that this is NOT traditional acupuncture… just because acupuncture filaments/needles are placed into the body does not mean you have received a true traditional acupuncture treatment. Traditional acupuncture can only be given by a Licenses Acupuncturist or a Doctor of Oriental Medicine. These professionals have studied acupuncture point combinations for years and are using either a bioelectrical ‘meridian’ system (originating in Tibet and China and developed over thousands of years in Asia) or advanced acupuncture points along various Microsystems of the body (ears, scalp, hands, or feet). There are thousands of known acupuncture points on the human body. A traditionally trained and licensed acupuncturist has studied and learned how to diagnose and formulate a treatment plan based on both the patient’s history and current presentation of symptoms. They study for years and are required by law to have thousands of patient contact hours (both observation and hands on direct patient care). A good practitioner will combine both symptom points and etiology points (root cause or underlying cause) in various combinations in order to obtain a particular therapeutic outcome for each individual patient.

 There are points to reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation, to promote proper circulation/lymphatic flow, points to promote proper movement and aid absorption in the Gastrointestinal tract, points to balance hormones and promote healthy glandular function, points to help with Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, points to help with balance, vertigo, immune system function…literally any medical condition or health concern can be addressed with traditional acupuncture treatments if you go to a skilled professional who has taken the time to acquire knowledge and utilizes proper point combinations.

For those people who are fortunate to not have any health concerns, then acupuncture can still be used as part of a healthy lifestyle plan. Acupuncture is amazing for preventive health. It can support healthy immune function, better oxygenation of tissues, and can instill a sense of deep calm, relaxation and sense of well-being by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. Acupuncture on a monthly basis is a wonderful thing to add to your wellness lifestyle because it is an excellent stress management tool (we all have stress in our lives so this can truly benefit everyone)!

Acupuncture can treat a variety of physical and psychological issues. It can also be used to relieve stress and tension in the body and is very helpful to maintain general health and a positive sense of well-being.